Saturday, March 20, 2010


I've had multiple things I wanted to blog about, but life got in the way. The following three posts are a quick attempt to catch up on some of them.


  1. That book sounds really fun! Did the bread taste at all good? I love your piano! We got our piano from "freecycle" and you can tell. But it was free :) One day maybe my hubby will get me purty piano. I started taking lessons last September and have really enjoyed.

  2. Just hopped over from your comment on the giveaway and have been wondering who your sister is... DO I know her? I personally know two of your followers, in "real Life" and not just blog land, they are sisters, but only have brothers(The brothers are married I believe, could you be a sister in law?).... This is killing me!

    Anyway! Hope you have a good day! Happy blogging!
