Thursday, January 22, 2009

No School!!!

Last week we started talking about what we wanted to do on the kids day off on Monday. We couldn't come to a consensus so we started making a list. It included everything from Wii sports tournament, to going to Krispy Kreme with their new report cards, to making valentines. Eat chocolate and eat even more chocolate were also on the list. We decided that on monday we'd just start picking from the list and see how many we could get through. The kids were quite excited. First we did a Wii bowling tournament. I don't remember who won, but we laughed a lot! Then we ate a bit of chocolate. Next we made bridges from toothpicks and twizzler nibs, while listening to fun music. This was my favorite activity of the day and the only one that we ended up taking pictures of (typical for me to forget to snap the photos!) We are each sitting with our creations. Of course, most of what we made were not bridges, but we had a lot of fun making them! Then we watched an episode of Planet Earth. Has anyone else been amazed at that like I have!!! That was a great present mom! There are AMAZING things on those dvd's!! Next we decided to go to a dollar store with some money that the kids had. It was kind of a bust, but we picked up McDonalds/Subway and ate and giggled in the car (oh yeah, I took some pictures of that too! I'm not as pitiful as I thought!) We then went to Krispy Kreme. We've never taken report cards there before and were surprised when, without even looking at the report cards, the employee filled up a box with a dozen donuts and handed them to us! Yum! We then hit Targets dollar spot and cheap toy aisle and found some inexpensive things that will be broken very soon but they thought were fun. Once we got home, I was beat!!! So we read some together, ate some more chocolate and colored. We ate one of their favorite dinners, waffles and sausage (VERY healthy!!) It was such a fun day together!!! Nothing outstanding, just a lot of silliness, but we were together! There's nothing better than being a mom!!!


  1. Ok, so when did you change your background? I swear it was NOT this one when I picked out mine! (or atleast I hadn't seen yours yet!) Can we just say great minds think alike?!?!? and I think I'll go change mine now!
