Sunday, July 25, 2010

Drum Roll, Please!

Yup, I'm MIA from the blogger world for the summer. Haven't read or posted in a very long time, but summer's being a blast! I'll be back once school starts again, and I'll read every post from my favorite bloggers, (you know who you are!)

However, I do have on piece of news that I simply HAVE to share, so I'm back, momentarily, to announce that around the 19th of January, I will become a grandma!! Tough Guy and Cutie Pie are prego (and she's just starting to show--sooo cute!!)

I keep finding myself in the baby section of various stores, perusing the goods, but not buying anything, 'cuz we don't know if it's a boy or a girl yet. I'm even more excited than I was with my own pregnancies (and I'm not nauseous!)

Well, I'm off to finish out my summer with a bang! Later!


  1. Congrats Granny!!!!!
    There's nothing like it in the entire world.

    Have a great summer!

  2. Hooray for you! Although, you are in no way old enough to be a grandma! Glad you are having a great summer.

  3. Congrats!! That is exciting news indeed!
    Now...back to your summer :D

  4. Oh, so exciting!! Congrats to you, you beautiful race-running grandma! Life is beautiful, is it not?

  5. Just as an expectant grandma should be. One of the great joys in life. Can't wait to see you!
